Wednesday, February 3, 2021


This is coolbert:

More extracts from the archivges of the New York Times as of 1861. Those actions as preceded the actual combat of the American Civil War. Secession of South Carolina as having occured in December 1860. Thanks to the tip from Freeper.

"THE NATIONAL CRISIS: A Peremptory Demand for the Surrender of Fort Sumter; THE DISUNION MOVEMENT; Editorial-Kansas Admitted! (1/29/1861)"

From the: "New York Times archives – Times Machine ^ | 1/29/1861"

"WASHINGTON, Monday, Jan. 28. The sailing of the Brooklyn [USS Brooklyn] continues the topic of excited discussion in official circles here, and a collision is certainly anticipated at Pensacola, should that be her destination, as is generally believed. Mr. CRITTENDEN [U.S. Senator] had a long interview, to-day, with Mr. TYLER, and expressed his regret at the act of the Administration in sending troops southward at this particular juncture. Mr. TYLER will be detained till to-morrow, awaiting disptaches [sic] from Judge ROBINSON, the Commissioner of Virginia to the seceding States. Judge R. is expected to reach Pensacola to-night."

Star of the West merchant vessel sailing with provisions for Fort Sumter fired upon and damaged by South Carolina secessionist military coastal artillery. USS Brooklyn USN warship dispatched in response. 

Unprecedented tenseness and acrimony. Attempts at compromise and reconciliation ongoing regardless.


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