Sunday, February 28, 2021

Coates LTG.

This is coolbert:

Canadian military personnel behaving badly?

From the Internet web site "Ottawa Citizen News" and thanks to same.

"Top NORAD commander had affair with American co-worker but DND says no rules were broken"

"Top NORAD commander had affair with American co-worker [civilian] but DND says no rules were broken" [North American Air Defense]

"National Defence [Canada] has confirmed that the top Canadian officer at NORAD had an affair with a co-worker but says the general broke no rules as the woman was outside his direct chain of command."

"News of the relationship between Lt.-Gen. Chris Coates and a U.S. civilian employee comes as the conduct and ethics of the military leadership have been called into question over a couple of high-profile investigations."

I am not sure what level of authority the Deputy commander [always a Canadian] of NORAD would have over American air defense assets in case of an attack on North America by opposition forces. A deputy commander in most instances however is assumed to have the same authority as the commander. Able to control ALL NORAD assets.


1 comment:

  1. Bert says: NORAD has NO nuclear weapons assets? No danger [?] of a foreigner exercising control over American atomic munitions then? This is so?
