Sunday, January 24, 2021


This is coolbert:

FREMM class frigate to be adopted by the U.S. Navy as acknowledged not the most recent design [even if a proven class of warship]. Lacking in some respects with "capability" as military naval planners might most desire.

"Here’s a list of the capabilities that a new ship – any type of new warship – ought to have to fight a future war, based on the threats we can reasonably anticipate"

As to stealth:

* "Stealth – Extreme Visby-level stealth to include radar, acoustic, IR, and visible signature reductions.  With the proliferation of EO guided imaging missiles, visible signature reduction will be just as important as radar and IR signature reduction."

Regarding what is termed "Visby-level" stealth:

"The Visby class is the latest class of corvette to be adopted by the Swedish Navy after the Göteborg and Stockholm-class corvettes. The ship's design heavily emphasizes low visibility, radar cross-section and infrared signature. The first ship in the class is named after Visby . . . The class has received widespread international attention because of its capabilities as a stealth ship."

Visby stealth measures hardly confined to avoiding radar detection. Incorporates dazzle camouflage paint pattern. This particular image [not of the Visby] shows the same merchant vessel [era WW1] with [left] and without [right] the dazzle paint pattern as it would appear in the periscope of a German U-boat. Dazzle conceals [?] the direction the ship is headed?

The devoted reader to the blog might find confusion as would a German U-boat captain?


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