Thursday, December 10, 2020

Doomsday III.

This is coolbert:


Apparently no longer? Place this one in the strange but true and incomprehensible category.

Thanks to the BBC for the story.

"Russian 'doomsday' plane's radio equipment stolen by thieves"

"Russian media say the aircraft was undergoing repairs at an airfield in the Rostov region"

"Thieves have stolen electronic equipment from a Russian military aircraft known as a 'doomsday plane' for its role in the country's nuclear arsenal, local media report."

. . . . 

"Military experts say the aircraft is one of four Il-80s designed to be used as airborne command posts for Russian officials, including the president, in the event of a nuclear conflict. Interfax news agency describes them as among Russia's most classified aircraft."

Undergoing repairs and yet I presume still heavily guarded? Doomsday plane during a time of global thermonuclear war able to command Russian nuclear forces in totality. Electronic equipment as described I think rather esoteric and not having much value on the black market. LOTS of heat going to applied to find the culprits.


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