Tuesday, September 29, 2020


This is coolbert:

From the weekly blog of G2mil Carlton Meyer USMC copied in entirety:

"Marines Need a New Boot Camp"

"The Marines are considering closing MCRD [Marine Corps Recruit Depot] San Diego and Parris Island. This makes sense, but not for the co-ed reason."

1. "The Navy and Air Force are twice the size of the Corps yet only have one basic training location. Two boot camps requires lots more overhead."

2. "San Diego has high housing costs and extreme noise from the airport. Marines must move to Camp Pendleton for three weeks to use firing ranges and other training. I'd keep the base as a storage and logistics facility since the amphibs are nearby."

3. "Parris Island is near sea level in a swamp that often floods, which is why the Navy gave it to the Marines long ago. The buildings are old and flooding is projected to get worse. A major hurricane would wash it away . . . I'd use the closed base as an urban warfare training center."

"The Marines could build a new one [recruitment depot Parris Island] a few miles inland (ten feet [three meters] higher) for a smooth transition. If they did this over 20 years it would cost little as money now spent to improve and upgrade the two MCRDs over the next 20 years could be used for a new, modern, well planned MCRD. It's nice to see long-term planning."



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