Sunday, June 21, 2020

Terminator I.

This is coolbert:

The super-soldier. Chinese style.

Test tube creations, genetically-modified human beings, the purpose of which is to create a fighting man of the utmost quality, combat troops as possessing positive attributes favorable for military success on the battlefield. It can be done?

Thanks to the English tabloid The Sun and Freeper.

"China ‘considering plans to genetically-modify soldiers to make army of Terminator-style troops’" [Ter-ming-ator].

"CHINA may be planning to genetically-modify [GM] its soldiers for an army of Terminator-style super troops, a defence think tank has warned. Experts at Rusi say GM soldiers could be faster, stronger and cleverer than their battlefield opponents and even feel no pain."

Faster, stronger, cleverer, more enduring, no pain [or relatively impervious to pain]?

This has all be tried before without success. The humanzee [half-human, half-chimp] experiments of the Soviet during the time of Stalin. Again the idea was to create the super-soldier. A hybrid creature having attributes and qualities that would make for a superior combat troop!

I am not sure if a human being can be genetically modified. Or if they can be to create an entire army of them impossible given current technology. Perhaps units of shock troops in the battalion size [1,000 combatants] is possible. 


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