Monday, June 22, 2020


This is coolbert:

From Eric Margolis courtesy the Ron Unz Internet web site yet one more explanation of the current crisis in the Himalaya. See a previous relevant blog entry by Colonel Austin Bay.

"Nuclear Rivals Clash in the Himalayas"

"So why are China and India at daggers drawn over the Galwan River Valley in Ladakh? Both are busy dealing with the coronavirus epidemic. Delhi and Beijing have conducted off and on diplomacy to ease Himalayan border tensions."

"The clash in Ladakh was no accident but clearly a planned offensive act by China – and the biggest military operation since the two Asian giants went to war in the Himalayas in 1962, producing a serious defeat for India. China then said the war was a ‘serious message’ to India to restrain its ambitions in the region."

Eric Margolis purports to be an expert on Asia to include the rivalry between India and China as now manifests itself in armed violence between nuclear weapons armed powers.

Eric however as does Colonel Austin Bay offers no cogent and rational explanations as to why the current Himalayan crisis has escalated as to pose a potential continental threat. Other than an undefined or ill-defined border dispute or the control of upstream rivers the source being in Tibet. What else?

Any other experts out there among the devoted readers to the blog willing to offer their opinions on the situation?


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