Monday, June 15, 2020

Insurrection II.

This is coolbert:

With regard to events unfolding in the USA right now devoted readers to blog will want to watch this video courtesy of You Tube.

"‘Antifa Wants To Overthrow The Gov’t’ | Counterterrorism Expert SCORCHES Seattle Anarchists"

This man [subject matter authority] knows his stuff and explains in terms understandable to everyone Authority making a point that this is an insurrection make no mistake and must be understood as so. Occupation of the CHAZ zone even if it ends [and that is questionable] is only the beginning. From my perspective this type of violence can go on more or less forever and I greatly fear an escalation to include the use of flame weapons, demolitions and small arms. Apparent connivance or acceptance of local officials in addition most troubling.


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