Friday, December 13, 2019


This is coolbert:

The unreported and unheralded war participants to include Israel, Iran and Iranian proxies continues unabated. Abu Kamal the main target of attack by Israeli Air force [IAF] air strikes.

NOW the USA enters the fray? Al Quds = Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

From the latest version of the DEBKAfile news letter.

1. "US ends non-response policy to Iranian attacks.  Iran deploys Bavar-373 missiles in Syria"

7 December.

"This time [in response to Iranian provocation], US forces pushed back immediately after Iraqi Shiite militias lobbed five rockets into the big Ain Al-Assad airbase in western Iraq. On Tuesday, Dec. 3, American aircraft attacked their base in the Iranian Al Qods Brigades military compound near Abu Kamal on the Syrian-Iraqi border and destroyed their rocket launchers. This was Washington’s signal that its non-response posture was at an end. Henceforth, US would push back for every attack by Iranian or pro-Iranian forces on US or allied targets in the Middle East."

"Tehran has meanwhile boosted its military footprint in Syria with an advanced Bavar-373 air defense system, posted at the big Syrian T-4 air base east of Homs, to cover all eastern Syria, including the border with Iraq, against advanced US and Israeli F-35 and F-22 warplanes and cruise missiles."

Bavar-373 at least [?] equal to the Russian S-300 [SA-10 Grumble] AD system.

2. "Systematic air strikes [Israeli?] are dismantling the Al Quds compound at Abu Kamal"

8 December.

"The air strike of Saturday night, Dec. 7, was the fourth this week in the campaign for gutting the Iranian Al Qods strategic hub housing Iraqi Shiite militias outside Abu Kamal near the Iraqi border.  Its intensity is being gradually notched up. The latest bombardment, the heaviest, caused excessive damage and a casualty count running to dozens, mostly Iraqi Shiite militiamen but also Iranian Al Qods officers "


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