Tuesday, September 17, 2019


This is coolbert:

In most locales interfering with a public transportation vehicle is a very serious offense that warrants hard prison time!

More counter-drone weaponry. From the English tabloid The Sun and thank to same.

"BT could use laser guns to shoot down drones deployed by eco activists, terrorists or pranksters"

[personally I consider individuals interfering in whatever form with a commercial airliner while on approach for landing or during take-off to be in the same category as an arsonist. Such persons are worthy of being shot on sight by law enforcement personnel. My personal opinion!]

"BT [formerly British Telecom] has signed a deal with Australian company DroneShield, which has worked with the British Army. Its DroneGun Tactical weapon shoots rays to take down a target from more than a mile away. BT will also offer clients use of the DroneSentinel, which can track a pilot operating the drone up to three miles away. The tech could have avoided last year’s Gatwick drone saga which cost police up to £900,000 [about $1.2 million USD] — with nobody brought to justice. Eco-activists were arrested last week amid fears of travel disruption at Heathrow".

"Its [DroneShield] DroneGun Tactical weapon shoots rays to take down a target from more than a mile away."

"RAYS will be used to shoot down the drone. RAYS! RAYS of some sort not specified.

See previous blog entries the topic counter-drone weaponry:




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