Thursday, September 12, 2019

Danmark ASW II.

This is coolbert:

"Earlier this year, the US slammed Denmark for not spending enough on defence. According to the US ambassador, despite the fact that Denmark is to increase its defence budget to 1.5 percent of its GDP by 2023, this is a far cry from the in 2014 NATO agreement that sets the bar at 2 percent."


ASW = Anti-Submarine-Warfare. Denmark to the rescue. Again thanks to the Russian media outlet Sputnik.

"US Sonar to Keep Track of Russian Subs"

"According to the commander of the Danish Navy, this procurement will place Denmark 'in another league'."

"Danish defence has boosted its submarine detection capability by securing an advanced sonar system from the US in a deal worth an estimated DKK 1.3 billion ($190 million)." [Danish Krone]

"Aside from the dipping sonars, Denmark’s anti-submarine warfare capacity will be further bolstered by 600 sonar buoys that will be laid across a larger body of water."

"A sonobuoy . . . is a relatively small buoy . . . expendable sonar system that is dropped/ejected from aircraft or ships conducting anti-submarine warfare or underwater acoustic research."

"dipping sonar.  A sonar transducer that is lowered into the water from a hovering antisubmarine-warfare helicopter and recovered after the search is complete."

Also, once more think the Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom gap.


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