Wednesday, October 17, 2018


This is coolbert:

One man, many weapons!

The Winged Hussars of the Polish cavalry I was familiar with.

The Leatherjackets [Soldados de Cuero] of New Spain I was not familiar with. [Spanish colonial possessions in North and South America referred to as New Spain]

Cavalry of the period each horseman in both cases carrying a mélange of weaponry.

 "mélange - - n. A mixture"

Poles carrying: * Lance * saber * rapier * musket * pistol * bow and arrow * war hammer.

One man, many weapons!

That Spanish soldado his multiplicity of weaponry to include: * short musket * a pair of pistols * bow and arrows * a short sword * a lance.

Again, one man, many weapons!

Armor also integral to the heavy cavalryman of the time. Poles wearing a metal helmet, metal breast plate and metal gauntlets.

Soldado carrying a small shield [buckler] and wearing a jacket consisting of seven thick layers of leather Leatherjackets!

"though leather was of course well known back into the Spanish colonial days the Southwest....the Soldados de Cuero (leatherjackets) wore these to stop Apache arrows"

Soldado rated as BEST horsemen in the world. Stirrups in the Mongol manner a platform allowing for the horseman to stand up while riding.

Read at this web site the advantage to be gained for the rider using a stirrup of the "Mongol" variety.



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