Friday, August 17, 2018


This is coolbert:

"The tangled web we weave!" - - Sir Walter Scott.

From a most recent Hot Mail courtesy Sharkhunters an update on the USS Ling and the apparent vandalism as reported in a previous blog entry. Thanks to image from Pet Scribblers.

"USS LING was in the Hackensack River for decades, a tribute and a memorial to the 3,505 American submariners killed in action in World War Two. Over the years, the river has silted up and is now far to shallow for the submarine to float. Consequently, she is stuck fast in the mud. Some time ago, the property was sold by the Bergen Register newspaper to Macromedia Corp and they plan to demolish the old Register building and build a 600-unit luxury condo with shopping mall and river walk. So the group that operates USS LING was told to get the boat moved…..but there is not enough water in the Hackensack River to float her and worse yet – over the years, FIXED bridges have been built over the river and they do not have enough room for the boat to proceed beneath. USS LING is stuck there."

"vandals came aboard the boat at night, cutting locks and going below. According to the report, they were familiar with submarine operations as they opened the sea cocks to sink the boat. However, since the boat was sitting about four feet into the mud bottom of the river, she didn’t sink but the water filled the bilges and lower spaces of the boat. Then these vandals ripped four memorial plaques honoring the 3,505 who did not return and all those who rode the boats from their concrete bases. These four stolen plaques were valued at $10,000 in monetary value but they were priceless for their memories."

To reiterate, the key points:

1. Bronze plaques alone have a scrap value of $10,000.

2. Boat not sunk but flooded, interior damaged from water.

3. Surrounding property highly-valued for development. Ling an impediment?

Villains must be caught and severely punished! Look to who is to benefit the most! Follow the money trail if one can be found! Chastise in a harsh manner with real punishment those responsible!


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