Saturday, June 2, 2018

Images I.

This is coolbert:

Readers to the blog merely perusing or otherwise need to access this Internet article courtesy the Daily Mail and view the images. Outstanding in all regards.

"The Great War pictures that are NOT colourized: Incredible photographs of World War I taken by some of the first colour cameras"

Pictures as taken with colored film to be pedantic but more exact.

"At first glance these photos from the First World War appear to have had digitally colourized, but in fact these rare images were taken using some of the world's first colour cameras."

From a caption to one of these rares images an entry that gets my attention and interest right away:

"Original Australian War Records Section caption: 'An Australian Light Horseman collecting anemones near Belah in Palestine'. The soldier was identified in 2007 as being 2601 Trooper George 'Pop' Redding, 8th Light Horse Regiment. Redding enlisted from Benalla, Victoria, on 28 August 1915 stating his age to be 44. He was in fact 57 making him nearly 61 at the time of this photograph and one of the oldest enlisted men in the AIF [Australian Imperial Force]."

Redding obviously a man of relatively advanced age to be doing serious soldiering. Also a man in the same league as and worthy of mention with the more illustrious names of Frederick Selous and H.H. Munro.

1. Frederick Selous2. H.H. Munro. [Saki]

Gentlemen during a time of war feeling honor-bound to respond, even unto death.



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