Tuesday, January 16, 2018


This is coolbert:

“Clausewitz also considered a commander in chief to be a military leader without the additional word 'supreme'; for us, the chief of the General Staff is considered a strategist and commander in chief who is only part of the leadership in war.” — B. Shaposhnikov, Mozg Armii"

Brains of the Army! Mozg Armii!

The Chief of Staff [CoS] as the supreme head of the military but only a part of the whole and recognizing his role to be so.

According to Shaposhnikov that epitome of the CoS Count Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf of the Austro-Hungarian army in that period prior to the Great War of 1914!

"For Shaposhnikov . . . the main and ideal model for such an 'integral' General Staff was that of the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I, and specifically, the staff of Count Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf (the Austro-Hungarian Army's Chief of the General Staff from 1914 to 1916)."

"According to Shaposhnikov, the cardinal virtue of Conrad was that under him, there was a real teamwork among the General Staff. Shaposhnikov praised Conrad's close relations with his operations chief; he also commended Conrad on his encouraging his subordinates to show initiative, his view of strategy as being subordinated to politics . . . and his lack of reluctance in delegating authority."

"Shaposhnikov also attributed a range of personal virtues to Conrad, among which 'boldness and strength of character', 'energy and initiative', 'independence', and his workaholism"

"The effective commander of the Austro-Hungarian army, Field Marshal Conrad von Hotzendorf, was probably the most respected military leader of his day, referred to as the greatest strategist in central Europe and was held in very high esteem even by the Germans."

The performance of the Austro-Hungarian army during the Great War generally seen as poor? NOT however because of Conrad? Factors beyond control of the man rather contributing to a combat performance inadequate by reasonable and accepted measured standard! Probably so!


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