Tuesday, November 14, 2017


This is coolbert:

Tearing down, desecrating and removing statues devoted to military war dead and famous military leaders not confined to the United States. Foremost in mind I have the unseemly and ill-conceived movement to remove all vestiges of the Confederacy, in particular those monuments honoring Southern war dead.

"Russian Foreign Ministry Condemns Desecration of Soviet Monument in Bulgaria"

All thanks to the Internet news outlet Sputnik and the article by Sergey Pyatakov

"The monument to the fallen Soviet soldiers in Bulgaria's Plovdiv was reportedly spray-painted on Friday with numerous anti-Semitic, anti-Russian and anti-communist graffiti."

"MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Russian embassy in Bulgaria has sent a note demanding Sofia to thoroughly investigate the desecration of a monument in Plovdiv commemorating Soviet soldiers who died in the World War II, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Saturday."

Read from a most recent blog entry the comments of Ralph Peters on the topic!


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