Thursday, September 21, 2017

Main Force.

This is coolbert:

BEST light infantry in the world their advance stalled and stymied?

Hezbollah infantry [described as such by the # 3 man in the FBI] further assault on Deir Ez-Zor stymied!

Yet once more from DEBKAfile:

"Most pro-Syrian forces fighting ISIS in E. Syria are Hizballah"

15 September.

"DEBKAfile's military sources report exclusively on Thursday that Hizballah troops account for the majority of the pro-Syrian forces fighting in southeastern Syria during the last week, especially in the area of Deir ez-Zour. The Hizballah forces have run into strong resistance from ISIS forces and have not been able to defeat them."

"Unlike the battles along the Syria-Lebanon border two weeks ago, where Hizballah and the Lebanese army faced scattered forces of ISIS and the Nusra Front, Hizballah now faces the main ISIS army arrayed in the Syrian desert and the Euphrates Valley, and has so far failed to break through or defeat it."

Read previous blog entry the three-year long siege of  Deir Ez-Zor purportedly lifted:


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