Sunday, June 18, 2017

Henry Reeve.

This is coolbert:

Yet one more instance of the White Messiah.

The entire topic of the White Messiah a popular item for previous blog entries.

That White Messiah an American or European, a man often with military experience, a charismatic figure of marked ability engaging in a foreign insurrection on the side of the rebels.

The White Messiah a man who can organize, train, plan, lead into battle and ultimate victory the forces of the insurgency. The local despot put to rout and flight.

Historical examples of the White Messiah to include T.E. Lawrence, Orde Wingate, Brooke Raja of Sarawak, Frederick Townsend Ward, Homer Lea.

Add to that list the person of Henry Reeve. Hero of the First Cuban War of Independence from Spanish colonial rule.

Never heard of this man before. His exploits evidently still remembered in Cuba to this very day and with fondness!! EVEN FIDEL CASTRO APPROVED OF THIS YANQUI!

"Henry Reeve . . . was a Brigadier General in Cuba's 'Ejército Libertador' (Army of Liberation) - more commonly known as the 'Ejército Mambí' - during the First Cuban War of Independence (Ten Years' War) (1868-1878). In his early years, he was a drummer in the Union Army, during the American Civil War."

"He was born in Brooklyn, New York, United States on April 4, 1850 . . . and died in Matanzas, Cuba on August 4, 1876. Reeve was 26 years old at the time of his death, and had served in the Cuban Army for 7 years, having participated in over 400 engagements against the Spanish Army."

Reeve a commander of cavalry. That favorite tactic of the Cuban rebel the "machete charge" what it was called. A combined arms ambush, men-a-horse attacking first, forcing the Spanish army foot soldier to deploy in response, vulnerable formations then subjected to concerted ground attack

"the machete charge. [Cuban] Forces were taught to combine use of firearms with machetes, for a double attack against the Spanish. When the Spaniards . . . formed a square [in response to a cavalry attack], they were vulnerable to rifle fire from infantry under cover, and pistol and carbine fire from charging cavalry."

Constance Wu, consider this to be another history lesson!! And you are all the better for it too!


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