Monday, March 6, 2017


This is coolbert:

Sverige för alltid!!

It is now a done deal. Sweden has re-introduced the military draft. Conscription! FOR MEN AND WOMEN BOTH!

1. "Sweden set to reintroduce conscription: broadcaster SR"

"Sweden set to reintroduce conscription: broadcaster SR Sweden's center-left government will decide on Thursday to reintroduce military conscription next year, amid lingering difficulties filling the ranks on a voluntary basis and a more uncertain security situation, public broadcaster SR reported. The Nordic country mothballed compulsory military service in 2010, but military activity in the Baltic region has increased since, in the wake of Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, prompting Sweden to step up military preparedness"

2. "Why Sweden is bringing back the draft"

A. "Not enough people are joining the military" [voluntary military not working]

B. "The situation in the Baltic region has changed"  [Russian resurgent]

C. "Public support is strong" [Swedish neutrality backed by a strong military]

D. "It hasn't even been away that long" [universal conscription]

3. "Sweden institutes military draft for both men and women"

"COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Sweden’s left-leaning government instituted a military draft for both men and women Thursday because of what its defense minister called a deteriorating security environment"

We are going to see mixed-genders of the type Caracal as found in the Israeli Army?

Män och kvinnor tillsammans?


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