Thursday, March 2, 2017

SDF Manbij.

This is coolbert:

Consider this a negative. A big negative.

Coalitions during a time of war hardly ever fight well. I repeat that over and over. Has historically been the case and is now.

From Freeper.

"Pro-Turkey rebels attack US-backed SDF forces near Manbij, jeopardizing Raqqa operation"

"The Turkey-backed Euphrates Shield rebels in Syria attacked positions of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), on Wednesday afternoon. This comes just one day after Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan vowed to attack Manbij after completing the al-Bab operation."

SDF those elements in combat with the Islamic State [ISIL] and backed by the United States.

SDF a combination of Kurdish and Arab fighters and as opposed to ISIL.

Allied forces not acting in concert and at the worst possible moment. EVIDENTLY ACCORDING TO THIS REPORT FIGHTING ONE ANOTHER.

Also probably not ACCIDENTAL, rather a deliberate provocation on the part of Erdogan. I fear a lot of bad is going to come of this and again at the worst possible moment.


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