Sunday, March 26, 2017


This is coolbert:

Yet more from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter. Deployment of Iraqi Shia milita seen as ominous.

"Israeli-Russian clash over Hizballah's Golan grab"

20 March.

"DEBKAfile's military sources reveal that Jerusalem was further alarmed Sunday by discovering that an Iraqi Shiite militia was on the way, under the command of Iran's Al Qods chief Gen. Qassem Soleiman, to reinforce Hizballah's Hermon-Golan offensive. This militia, called the Al-Nojba Movement, [consists] of 1,500 Iraqi Shiite fighters,"

"Since the Al Nojba militia has been deployed in the northern Syrian town of Aleppo, its transfer south to fight with Hizballah could not have gone unnoticed by the Russian officers on the ground. The militia's landing on the slopes of Hermon would herald the intrusion of additional foreign pro-Iranian Shiite forces in this embattled location on the fringes of the Golan."

This is the Iraqi Shia militia Harakat al-Nojba. Beholden to Iran in all respects. NOW uniting with Hezbollah units on the Golan heights opposite Israel. Iranian proxies their mission to cause a lot of aggravation for the Israeli.


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