Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Guppies & Chimps.

This is coolbert:

Sounds here like E.O. Wilson stuff. Thanks to Jungle Trader and isegoria.net for the tips.

Chimps do it! Guppies do it! Do HUMANS do it?


As observed in disparate species an elevated and involuntary flow of chemicals in the body during a time of stress and danger enhancing group solidarity and cohesion. As with soldiers during  a time of war and in combat.

Excerpts to include:

1. Guppies.

"Scientists from the University of Exeter, University of York and University of the West Indies, St Augustine, observed Trinidadian guppies and found the fish developed stronger and more stable social bonds when they thought predators were in the area"

    "The effects of dangerous environments on social bonds are also known in humans, such as between soldiers who form strong and long-lasting bonds during active duty in war zones."

2. "Oxytocin levels surge in troops of chimpanzees preparing for conflict with rival groups".

"Oxytocin levels surge in troops of chimpanzees preparing for conflict with rival groups"

    "The finding is at odds with the prevailing image of oxytocin as something that helps strengthen bonds between parent and infant, or foster friendships. But given its capacity to strengthen loyalty, oxytocin could also be a warmonger hormone that helps chimps galvanize and cooperate against a common enemy."

    "The samples revealed that oxytocin levels surge in the mammals whenever the chimps on either side prepared for confrontation, or when either group took the risk of venturing near or into rival-held territories. These surges dwarfed the oxytocin levels seen during activities such as grooming, collaborative hunting for monkey prey or food sharing"

That flow of chemicals involuntary the oxytocin hormone alone as NOT causing WAR but rather enhancing group solidarity and "bonds" during a time of stress, danger, and YES WAR!


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