Friday, January 13, 2017


This is coolbert:

From cdr salamander and thanks to Nicholas some info regarding the topic of anti-submarine-warfare [ASW]. VERY QUIET RUNNING DIESEL/ELECTRIC BOATS OF THE MOST MODERN DESIGN A PROBLEM FOR WHICH A QUICK AND EASY SOLUTION NOT AT HAND!

And yes it is all lower case for cdr salamander. Large portions of the original article by cdr salamander copied in entirety.

"Modern Submarines Too Quiet? Don't Try to Listen Then"

ASW as traditionally fought no longer as effective. If not effective then try something else!! A multi-faceted approach is best, with new technology often providing a necessary solution.

"The Economist in the last six months published a series of interesting articles on the challenges of anti-submarine warfare."

. . . .

"the more tools the better - and operational experience tells us that you need lots of different tools in order to successfully prosecute enemy submarines through search, localization, track, and attack."

"Not everything works everywhere against all targets - so bring a big tool bag....modern submarines are very quiet, and neither side has gained a definitive upper hand."

"There are other options. Submarine-spotting aircraft carry “magnetic anomaly detectors” (MAD) which pick up disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field caused by a submarine’s metal hull. Those disturbances are tiny, which means MAD is only useful at ranges of a few hundred meters."

"There may, though, be a better way. Thanks to something called the Debye effect, it might be possible to hunt submarines using the magnetic signatures of their wakes. Seawater is salty, full of ions of sodium and chlorine. Because those ions have different masses, any nudge—such as a passing submarine—moves some farther than others. Each ion carries an electric charge, and the movement of those charges produces a magnetic field."

"The Debye effect has been known since 1933, but its effects were thought to be tiny. The American navy set out to explore it nonetheless in 2009, giving research grants to three firms to check whether it could be used for submarine detection."

* Kelvin Waves.
* Vortex Wake.
* Potential Flow.
* Internal Waves.
* Wake Turbulence.
* Pancake Eddies.
* Center line.

". . . Submarines produce many different types of wake. As well as the familiar V-shaped wake they leave underwater disturbances known as 'internal waves', flat swirls called 'pancake eddies' and miniature vortices which spin off from fins and control surfaces. These all depend not only on speed and depth but also on the submarine’s hydrodynamics (the underwater version of aerodynamics)."

And with regard to those submarine-spotting aircraft the S-3 Viking will go a long way to solving the ASW problem as it currently exists!!

Thank you cdr salamande!!


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