Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sirte II.

This is coolbert:

Yet more from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.

Success in Libya? ISIL adherents and affiliates finally defeated. Took six months but mission accomplished!

We hope so!

"ISIS driven out of Libyan port of Sirte"

5 Dec.

"Libyan pro-government forces say they have driven ISIS out of the last district of Sirte after the last dozen jihadists surrendered Monday. Backed by US air strikes, forces loyal to Libya's unity government have been fighting for more than six months to drive the Islamists out of their North African stronghold. Civilian casualties multiplied as ISIS fighters used them as human shields"

The defeat of the ISIL combatants adherents and affiliates both as totally a Libyan ground action? Air support from U.S. assets on-call but ground troops of other nations not involved?


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