Monday, November 21, 2016


This is coolbert:

Here it is? In the nutshell! For the mouth of the horse itself as they say! Europeans spend a considerable sum on national defense [contributions to overall NATO defense as well?] but do not spend the money with efficiency. This is so?

As reported by the Russian Internet news outlet Sputnik:

"Efficiency of EU Military Budget 50% Lower Than in US – Juncker"

"EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that European Union is spending a lot of money on defense but efficiency of this spending is twice as lower as in the United States."

"MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The European Union is spending a lot of money on defense but efficiency of this spending is twice as lower as in the United States, EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Friday."

"'We in Europe spend a lot of money on armament. The military budget the European Union amounts to 200 billion euro. Americans spend the same sum. But our efficiency amounts to only 50 percent of the US [military spending] efficiency,' Juncker said giving a lecture in the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano in northeastern Italy."

NOT so much the amount spent on military expenditures but rather efficiency with which how the money is spent is the problem? There is a reasonable remedy for this? This is all so simple?

See previous blog entry the topic of which is the military expenditures the European nations constituent members of NATO:

Indeed, budget concerns among NATO members now a subject of discussion because of the pronouncements of Donald Trump as President-Elect. A hot button issue surely it is?


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