Friday, September 2, 2016

South Ossetia.

This is coolbgert:

From Sputnik we have some details regarding those Russian military exercises indicative of an enhanced degree of readiness. Snap checks, drills and inspections what they are called.

1. "Russia Starts Drills in South Ossetia as Part of Snap Check"

"Russian military on Tuesday started drills in South Ossetian mountains as part of the ongoing snap combat readiness inspections, Russian Southern Military District's press service said in a statement."

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"Snap combat readiness inspections are running across Russia's Southern, Western and Central military districts, as well as the Northern Fleet, Aerospace Forces and Airborne Troops on August 25-31".

2. "Russia Starts Drills for Reconnaissance Units in Far East, Siberia"

"Russian Defense Ministry on Tuesday started reconnaissance drills in six regions of country's Eastern Military District, the military district’s spokesman said."

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"reconnaissance units would also practice use of advanced equipment, including drones, as well as cooperation with different arms of service."

Sputnik as is Russian Times a propaganda arm [??] of the Russian government? But still having interesting articles without question. ONCE pronouncements as such during the Soviet era would have been classified TOP SECRET! Now the bosses in the Kremlin want the whole world to know of what is occurring.


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