Sunday, September 11, 2016


This is coolbert:

From the latest edition of the DEBKAfile news letter and as reported the light infantry [best light infantry in the world by one estimate] of Hezbollah now having an enhanced and most dangerous capability. OLD TECHNOLOGY [nonetheless deadly] and ON THE GOLAN BORDER WITH ISRAEL!

"Hizballah units regroup on Israel's Golan border"

7 September.

"A large Hizballah force, backed by the Syrian army and pro-Iranian Shiite militias, is building up outside Quneitra, just 2km [slightly over one mile] from Israel's Golan border. The Lebanese Shiite fighters, under the command of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps officers, are streaming into southern Syria, armed with tanks and artillery . . .  Seen for the first time in the Queneitra sector were heavy, self-propelled KS-19 artillery batteries, which are Russian anti-air guns adapted to ground warfare. They have a range of 21km [13 miles] and a firing capacity of 15 shells per minute."

As to the specifics of the KS-19:

"The KS-19 is a heavy towed anti aircraft gun" Large-bore anti-aircraft-artillery [AAA] in this case to be used in the ground-role. Fires a mix of ammunition to include:

"Anti Aircraft ammunition includes high explosive, high explosive fragmentation and fragmentation types."

"KS-19 . . . also has some utility in the ground role especially against armored targets. As a result of this two armor piecing rounds were produced: the AP-T (Armour Piercing-Tracer) and APC-T (Armour Piercing Capped-Tracer) with the AP-T round reportedly able to penetrate 185 mm of armor at 1000 m."

Think from that era of the Second World War the famous German 88 mm gun. Dual use, AAA and also very good as an anti-tank weapon. WW2 deja-vu all over again but this time on the Golan Heights?


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