Thursday, September 29, 2016


This is coolbert:

Seems those assertions of the DEBKAfile as seen in a previous blog entry were correct.

From Freeper that type of conflict between the senior military commander and the elected Commander-in-Chief comes to a head. NOT since the Korean War has such a thing occurred!!

"Joint Chiefs Chairman Rejects Obama Plan to Share Syria Intel with Russia"

"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford has just gone where no JCS chairman has ever gone before!"

. . . .

"Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee on September 22, Dunford made clear the military would refuse to execute what was the central element of Obama’s new Syria policy, i.e., intelligence-sharing with Russia-despite the president’s order it be done."

Intelligence sharing with Russia vis-a-vis the Syrian conflict at the moment ONLY A PLAN or is it an agreed upon DONE-DEAL that must be implemented!

If the latter, then Dunford must obey the direct order of the elected Commander-in-Chief. Failure to obey means either a forced resignation or courts martial and being instantly cashiered from the military if the General is found to have disobeyed.

DEBKAfile right on the money after all? The noted blogger Spengler rated DEBKA as unreliable under all circumstance. I am not so sure.


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