Monday, August 22, 2016


This is coolbert:

From CNN and germane to several previous blog entries as seen here and here, American forces have now issued a warning to both Syria and Russia. Leave our Kurdish enclave in Syria ALONE! Indeed, this has the potentiality to be quite major.

"Top US commander warns Russia, Syria"

"Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend talks to CNN from his HQ in Baghdad"

"The commander of US forces in Iraq and Syria predicted the defeat of ISIS by next year"

 "(CNN) — In the most direct public warning to Moscow and Damascus to date, the new US commander of American troops in Iraq and Syria is vowing to defend US special operations forces in northern Syria if regime warplanes and artillery again attack in areas where troops are located."

"'We've informed the Russians where we're at ... (they) tell us they've informed the Syrians, and I'd just say that we will defend ourselves if we feel threatened,' Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend told CNN in a telephone interview Saturday from his Baghdad headquarters."

As to that prediction that ISIL will be defeated by next year, I hate to sound pessimistic but I will believe it when I see it.


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