Friday, January 6, 2017


This is coolbert:

From the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter an item that surely indicates how in the aftermath of the Turkish coup attempt the NATO relationship between the United States and Turkey will be severely strained.

"Turkish naval officer serving in US requests political asylum"

12 August.

"Turkish Navy Rear Adm. Mustafa Ugurlu, an officer serving on behalf of NATO at a US military base in Norfolk, Virginia, has requested political asylum in the US. An arrest warrant has been issued in Turkey for Urgulu. The Turkish embassy in Washington has announced that Ugurlu did not report for questioning as requested. The asylum request is expected to strain relations between Washington and Ankara even further following Turkey's demand for the extradition of opposition leader Fethullah Gulen, who is in exile in the US."

Damned by "not reporting for questioning"!

No mention either of those missing Turkish helicopters and warships.

P.S.: This entry originally from an earlier date but posted again today due to a slip up on my part. Please forgive me everyone.


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