Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Rangers SMLE.

This is coolbert:

Canadian Rangers that quasi-military unit their mission sovereignty patrols in the far north. SOVPATS.

See these You Tube videos regarding the Canadian Rangers:

1. "Canadian Rangers Participating in Operation Nunalivut 08. Part 1 of 3."

2. "Canadian Rangers Participating in Operation Nunalivut 08. Part 2 of 3."

3. "Canadian Rangers Participating in Operation Nunalivut 08. Part 3 of 3."

4. "What Canadian Rangers need in a new rifle"

That symbol of the Canadian Rangers to include as the devoted reader to the blog will instantly realize the British Small Magazine Lee-Enfield [SMLE] rifle, caliber .303. From that period BEFORE the Great War but the ideal weapon for the far north.

SMLE to be replace with a newer weapon, bolt-action, carbine barrel, NATO 7.62 round ten round magazine, Picatinny rail for optical or open sights, wooden and not plastic stock.


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