Saturday, August 27, 2016


This is coolbert:

As it has been in the past, as it is now, as it always will be perhaps!

The Kurdish people once again betrayed by the geo-political machinations of the world powers. This time to include the United States. FOR SHAME!

Thanks here in all instances to the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.

1. "Biden in Ankara: Kurds must withdraw immediately to east bank of Euphrates"

24 August.

 "US Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday during a joint press conference with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim in Ankara that Syrian Kurdish forces will lose US support if they don't withdraw to the east bank of the Euphrates . . . Biden's statement shows that the US has accepted all of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's terms regarding the Kurds and exposed them to a Turkish military attack if they fail to withdraw. Just last week, the US did not respond to a similar Turkish demand immediately after the capture of the northern Syrian city of Manbij from ISIS by a joint force made up of Kurdish fighters and US officers from special forces units. Washington has now changed its position."

2. "ISIS pulls out of Jarablus; Kurdish militias accuse US of abandoning them"

25 August.

"DEBKAfile military and intelligence sources: More than a day after Turkey launched its invasion of northern Syria aimed at capturing the city of Jarablus from ISIS, it appears that the terrorist organization has left the city without a fight . . . Meanwhile, US Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday during a joint press conference with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim in Ankara that Syrian Kurdish forces will lose US support if they don't retreat to the east bank of the Euphrates River . . . The Kurdish militias operating in northern Syria accuse Washington of abandoning them . . . The Kurds have announced that they will fight the Turkish invasion."

3. "Ankara: Kerry says Kurdish withdrawal toward E. bank of Euphrates underway"

25 August.

"Turkey's Foreign Ministry announced Thursday that US Secretary of State John Kerry had spoken to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and informed him that the Syrian Kurdish militias supported by the US have started withdrawing toward the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. DEBKAfile's military sources cannot confirm the report and they seriously doubt that such a move is underway."

4. "Syrian Kurds clash with Turkish forces"

26 August.

"Syrian Kurdish militia commanders are flouting the ultimatum US Vice President Joe Biden handed them Wednesday, Aug. 24 to retreat to east of the Euphrates or else forfeit US support. Instead, DEBKAfile's military sources report, they decided to stand their ground and fight it out with the Turkish army. By backing Ankara against the Kurds, the US has forfeited its main spearhead for the campaigns to oust ISIS from Raqqa and Mosul."

The Syrian Kurd and their fighting force the YPG in concert with those further assets of the SDF just at that moment of making significant progress against the combatants of the Islamic State their forward effort rendered void. Those embedded [?] American Special Forces directing air strikes not wanting to be in conflict with the Turk, NATO versus NATO.


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