Friday, July 1, 2016


This is coolbert:

From that latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter some clarification regarding the Israeli military "Hannibal Directive".

"IDF chief of staff cancels 'Hannibal' directive on foiling abduction of troops"

Courtesy DEBKAfile | 28 June 2014.

NOT necessarily cancelling? Clarifying and modifying?

"IDF sources said Tuesday that the chief of staff, Lieut. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, had cancelled the military's 'Hannibal' directive and ordered the preparation of a new operational order. The directive is a series of orders carried out when IDF soldiers are abducted. It was established as an automatic response to thwart abductions without receiving authorization, which can take some time. It includes placement of roadblocks, attacks on infrastructure such as bridges and roads to prevent any escape, and the use of massive fire against the abductors. The sources said the directive was not clear and that commanders of various units used it differently for many years. No details were released on how the IDF will respond to the abduction of soldiers from now on."

See previous blog entries regarding Hannibal:


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