Friday, January 6, 2017


This is coolbert:

Yet more from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter:

Imam Gulen a hot topic! The Turkish President wants this man extradited from the United States and bad too!!

"Erdogan: US failure to extradite Gulen would be very big mistake"

21 July.

"Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said late Wednesday night that Washington would be making a very big mistake if it does not extradite Turkish opposition leader Fethullah Gulen. He also claimed that foreign countries were apparently involved in last week's failed coup."

The entire of the war against the Islamic State in large measure now in jeopardy? The extradition of Gulen to Turkey in AN EXPEDITIOUS MANNER going to be difficult? Such is the nature of dynamic change during war. Being able to make sound decisions in such a situation separates the men from the boys.

P.S.: This entry originally from an earlier date but posted again today due to a slip up on my part. Please forgive me everyone.


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