Saturday, June 11, 2016

Truman vs. Bear.

This is coolbert:

Also from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile a came of cat and mouse has begun?

USS Truman aircraft carrier versus the Soviet Bear?

1. "USS Truman airstrikes ISIS from the Mediterranean"

4 June.

"The USS Harry S. Truman conducted airstrikes against the Islamic State from the Mediterranean Sea on Friday".

. . . .

"The strike marks the first launched by the United States from the Mediterranean since Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003."

2. "'Russian bear' TU-142M vs USS Truman naval strike force opposite Syria"

6 June.

"Western naval officials report that one day after aircraft carrier USS Truman and its strike group attacked ISIS targets from the Mediterranean, the advanced Russian reconnaissance airplane, the TU-124 [DEBKA needs to correct this. The Tu-124 is a commercial passenger airliner], nicknamed 'Russian bear' was stationed in Syria."

"Western aviation experts say that the Russian plane was seen flying over the battle areas in Aleppo, Syria."

Many varieties of the "M" Tu-142 "Bear" exist.

"This is the first time, since the Russian military involvement began on October 2015, that a Russian reconnaissance airplane of this type is seen in the area."

Also at least to my knowledge the first time since the Cold War that Bear has been stationed and flying out of an airfield other than within Soviet/Russian territory proper. The only other occurrence being Bear flying out of Conakry, reconnaissance flights over the Atlantic.


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