Monday, June 20, 2016


This coolbert:

From the Sheldon Adelson Internet web site Israel Hayom and thanks to the article by the Professor Eyal Zisser the contrarian position regarding the Islamic State:

"No end in sight for ISIS"

"Over the past few weeks, the world has been hearing near-daily reports of the blows dealt to the Islamic State group."

Blows to include but not limited to:

* "In Iraq, government forces were able to make strides in Fallujah"

* "In Syria, U.S.-backed Kurdish forces threaten to sever Islamic State's routes near the Turkish border"

* "Iranian and Hezbollah forces backed by Russia to be exact -- are making headway in central Syria"

"One must remember however, that rumors of Islamic State's demise may be greatly exaggerated and may eventually turn out to be no more than wishful thinking."

ISIL not so much down and out and buried as some might like to think it is? You need to read the entire article by Professor Zisser.

See previous blog entries the topic was the DEMISE of ISIL:

Remember that a negotiated settlement with ISIL not an option!


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