Tuesday, May 24, 2016


This is coolbert:

Regarding the EgyptAir flight MS804 as seen at the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter.

"EgyptAir flight blown up by ISIS time bomb"

19 May.

" EgyptAir flight MS804, which took off at 11:09 p.m. on Thursday May 19 from Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, was supposed to land at 3:55 a.m. in Cairo. However, it dropped off the radar screens of Greek and Egyptian flight controllers at 2:45 a.m. and crashed into the Mediterranean about 10 miles inside Egypt's territorial waters. DEBKAfile's counterterrorism sources say that if the plane was downed by an act of terror, it would be the latest major blow by ISIS to international civilian aviation, Egyptian tourism, and the security, counterterror and intelligence services of France and Egypt."

DEBKA file as is often the case their headlines most adamant and shrill, even alarmist. The noted blogger Spengler rates DEBKA as totally unreliable under even the most favorable of circumstances. I do not necessarily concur. At least for the Israel the cause of this disaster already a done-deal, mystery solved?

The aim and goal of whoever bombed the EgyptAir flight to disrupt tourism. And important source of revenue to the Egyptian economy in peril.


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