Thursday, May 19, 2016

50K Englishmen.

This is coolbert:

As seen at Freeper originally from the Daily Mail as you might gather this headline catches my attention right away:

"50k British troops, including those serving their country abroad, set to miss out on voting Brexit"

British exit from the European Union!! Troops of England serving at home and abroad not registered to vote?
• "EU referendum. 50,000 British troops, including those serving their country abroad, set to miss out on voting":

"Tens of thousands of soldiers will miss out on the 'once in a generation' referendum on Britain’s EU membership because they are not registered to vote, it has emerged."

"One in four military staff either are not signed up or do not know their current status, according to the most recent annual survey of the forces. [...] "

"Former leading generals have criticised the Ministry of Defence [MOD] for failing to put 'significant effort' into making sure troops are signed up ahead of the June 23 referendum."

During that period leading up to the Second World War by Gentleman's Agreement American career serving military officers not registered to vote or not voting even if registered!!

"Once in a generation" too much to miss!!


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