Saturday, April 2, 2016


This is coolbert:

Simultaneous withdrawal and reinforcement of Russian military assets in Syria occurring.

Finally from DEBKAfile:

"Russia sending reinforcements, military equipment to Syria"

30 March.

"Contrary to President Vladimir Putin's March 14 order to scale back Russia's military forces in Syria, a Russian military transport and ice breaking ship that sailed out of Syria in the first week of March, is returning to Tartous, carrying heavy equipment."

"Up to 12 Russian military ships present in the Mediterranean included oil tankers, patrol ships and the Zeleniy Dol destroyer armed with Kalibr cruise missiles."

Forces having already been deployed to Syria and active in combat withdrawn, but replaced. This sounds more to be like troop replacement and rotation. An opportunity to field test in combat conditions the most advanced weapons systems the Russians have. The beat goes on.


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