Monday, April 11, 2016

Palmyra EOD.

This is coolbert:

Also from the latest edition of the DEBKAfile newsletter. Explosive Ordnance Disposal.

"Moscow flies a special mine-sweeping unit to Palmyra"

2 April.

"A special Russian army unit based at the Chkalovsky near Moscow was flown to Palmyra Friday to defuse the thousands of mines, explosives, IEDs and booby-traps which the Islamic State rigged in buildings and on streets."

"THOUSAND OF MINES, EXPLOSIVES, IED'S AND BOOBY TRAPS"! THOUSANDS! MANY EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE. The entire assemblage as designed to be remotely detonated and exploded in a coordinated fashion. For some reason NO spontaneous or planned explosions occurring,.

Read from Russian Times a report describing the EOD problem as now is the case in Palmyra.


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