Tuesday, April 26, 2016


This is coolbert:

During the time of Stalin and at the height of the Gulag this sort of thing was more common?

As seen at Freeper:

"Soviet Engineers Tested Bulletproof Cockpits—With People Inside the Cockpits"

"The Mi-28 attack helicopter was developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War as an answer to America's AH-64 Apache . . . As such, the Havoc needed to be able to take hits—even to the cockpit—and keep flying."

"Soviet designers actually put a person inside a mock Mi-28 Havoc, then fired a number of different weapons at the armored glass. A number of guns appear to be trained at the glass, from what appear to be puny 7.62x39 rounds from an AK-47 all the way to a KPV 14.5-millimeter anti-aircraft heavy machine gun."

A close-up of the Havoc cockpit. Appears to have one compartment for the pilot and one for the gunner that operates and aims the ordnance.

"Only two things are for certain: the cockpit could really taking a beating, and being part of military testing in the Soviet Union was probably not the most fun job in the world."

During that area of Stalin and the Cold War condemned criminals [persons sentenced to death] were an important part of the Soviet munitions industry and weapons testing? This too was an instance of a condemned criminal strapped into a mock-up of a Havoc helicopter and subjected to live human testing with direct weapons fire?


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