Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bird Trap.

This is coolbert:

From MARCONI through Harry:

SKYKING message of some importance?

"SKYKING messages are not commonly sent and normally deal with some urgent situation or event. They are normally of the following nature: IHM----------22---------------------------------------------------JQ. The first letters, rarely exceeding three, are the text. The next two numbers are the minutes after the hour at which the messages is sent and the last two letters are the confirmation that the message is genuine.To show how important the can be, last year when an F 18 crashed . . . in [the] UK, three SKYKINGs were sent soon afterward. These are almost NEVER more than one sent at a time.Words are rarely used, normally just letters as shown in the sample"

"04/April/2016 (Date received) 0447z (Time received) Frequencies:- 8992,usb 4724 usb kHz - 2 one word SKYKING messages in a row, RUSSIA and JAPAN, from BIRD TRAP (Call Sign of station sending.)"

SKYKING messages and Emergency Action Messages [EAM] usually [??] reserved for those U.S. military units having a nuclear mission!!


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