Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Uighur Syria!

This is coolbert;

Some excerpts from the Internet web site "Long War Journal" surely indicating the involvement of Uighur in the Syrian Civil War. BUT NOT AS I HAD THOUGHT.

These Uighur associated with the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), combatants of same fighting alongside those jihadists of the Al Nusra Front.

1. "Turkistan Islamic Party claims using US-made anti-tank missile in northwest Syria"

"The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), an al Qaeda-linked Uighur jihadist group, has posted a photo to social media claiming its fighters recently used at least one US-made TOW anti-tank missile against Syrian regime forces in northwestern Syria. This photo is part of a wider release from the strategic Al Ghab plain in northern Hama province."

2. "Turkistan Islamic Party shows US-made machine gun, captured drone"

"The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), an al Qaeda-affiliated Uighur jihadist group, has released photos from the fighting in the Al Ghab plain in northwest Syria."

3. "Turkistan Islamic Party shows fighters on frontlines in northwestern Syria"

Jihadists from the Turkistan Islamic Party fighting in the Al Ghab plain

"The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), an Uighur jihadist group that is affiliated with al Qaeda and operates in Central and South Asia, has published photos showing its fighters engaging in combat with Syrian government forces in Hama and Latakia provinces."

See previous blog entry the topic of which was the presence of the Uighur combatant in Syria.

Al Nusra it worthy to note an affilitate [?] of Al Qaeda.


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