Monday, February 1, 2016

First Cavalry.

This is coolbert:

"the shield they never carried, the horse they never rode, the bridge they never crossed, the line they never held, and the yellow is the reason why."

Further extracts with commentary from the book: "HUBRIS THE TRAGEDY OF WAR IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY" by Alistair Horne.


2. Regarding the destruction [1950] of the American 8th Regiment, First Cavalry Division [1st Cav] in Korea.

* "the overall casualty statistics show a less unflattering picture; where as in all the battles of the Second World War the First Cav had lost 734 killed in action and 3,311 wounded (236 died of wounds), in Korea they would amount to 3,811 killed with 2,086 wounded."

That normal ratio wounded/killed as observed from both World Wars normally 350/100. For every three-hundred-fifty wounded [WIA] one hundred dead [KIA]. 

The experience and casualty ratio of the Indian Army during the Aksai Chin conflict [also in combat with Chinese regulars] VERY SIMILAR!!

From Professor Al Nofi of Strategy Page at his CIC # 435 as noted the performance of the First Cav during WW2 considered to be quite good:

"Dismounted and converted to a kind of 'lite' infantry formation in 1943, the 1st Cavalry Division nonetheless proved quite effective in combat in the South Pacific, in part because it was the only pre-war division (Regular Army or National Guard) that was not heavily drained of experienced personnel to provide cadres for the raising of new divisions."

So the 1st Cav did well in WW2 but not so well in Korea? Perhaps it was that the Chinese were very good rather than the 1st Cav was very bad? Do not think however that the 1st Cav was YELLOW!


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