Friday, January 1, 2016

Retrograde II.

This is coolbert:

From an issue of Military History magazine an extract of an article:


"refers to an orderly pullback from the one position to another, the affected units maintaining cohesion, retaining their weapons and adhereing to some larger tactical or strategic plan. The word is not norally used to describe the panic - - stricken chaos suggested by the word 'retreat.'"

"Whereas withdrawal is a reasoned process, undertaken to reposition a military force for continued action under more favorable conditions, retreat connotes disaster - - units beset by overwhelming enemy forces who flee with little or no planning, leaving behind vital supplies, equipment and even personnel in their efforts to avoid annihilation. Military forces driven into headlong retreat by a competent enemy seldom rally."

"An orderly and well planned withdrawal on the other hand ensures a unit will remain intact to fight another day."

An orderly movement to the rear GOOD! A disorderly movement to the rear BAD! Intuitively understood I might think!

Withdrawal [that spelling of withdrawl [sic] is a typo or a deliberate misspelling I cannot decide] better described as retrograde. A movement to the rear.

Retrograde as defined by the American military consisting of:

1. Delaying: Movement to the rear while in continuous contact with the enemy. A fighting retreat.

2. Withdrawing: Movement to the rear just having broken off contact with the enemy.

3. Retiring: Movement to the rear no contact or threat of contact with the enemy.



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