Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Heavy Infantry.

This is coolbert:

The best light infantry in the world is now becoming fast the best heavy infantry in the world?

Hezbollah the state within a state fighting as proxies for the despot Assad supplied now with heavy weaponry. All thanks to Vlad!

Thanks to Sheldon Adelson and his Internet web site Israel Hayom.

"Hezbollah: Russia is supplying us with heavy weapons"

"'The Russians are our allies and give us weapons,' says Hezbollah commander quoted on The Daily Beast • 'When it comes to Israel, Hezbollah doesn't take directions from anyone,' says another Hezbollah commander."

"Russia is directly providing Hezbollah with heavy weapons, Hezbollah field commanders told The Daily Beast website."

. . . .

"A different Hezbollah commander said Russia has not imposed any restrictions on how Hezbollah can use Russian weapons. This means the arms could be used against Israel"

HEAVY weapons as defined being: "long-range tactical missiles, laser guided rockets, and anti-tank weapons from Russia."

Hezbollah according to my understanding has had that stuff for some time now and has also used in combat vis-a-vis Israel. This IS NOT NEW?


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