Sunday, December 13, 2015


This is coolbert:

As extracted from the Sheldon Adelson Israel Hayom Internet web site the Israeli now deploying a missile-based air defense system very formidable.

"Another piece in the deterrence puzzle"

"The four-tiered defense is based on the tried and true Iron Dome system, designed to intercept short-range rockets and artillery shells, the David's Sling system, which counters medium- to long-range rockets and missiles, the Arrow 2 short- and medium-range ballistic missile interceptor, and the Arrow 3 long-range missile interceptor, which is now entering the last leg of its development."

To reiterate the multi-layered air defense system consisting of:

* Iron Dome.

* David's Sling.

* Arrow 2.

* Arrow 3.

Air defense NOT including those air defense assets organic to the ground forces. Tactical and operational type weaponry.

Air defense NOT including fighter-interceptor of the Israeli Air Force [IAF].

Israel undeniably at the cutting edge of such missile-based air defense, even perhaps head and shoulders above the rest of the world in this regard. YES indeed!


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