Sunday, November 29, 2015


This is coolbert:

Bacon, coffee, salt, sugar, hard bread that diet of the soldier during the American Civil War and indeed the diet as consumed by a predominant portion the general public during that era also.

As described by Shelby Foote SLOOSH a popular concoction consumed endlessly:

"Sloosh was a form of cornbread that was popular during the American Civil War, especially among Confederate soldiers. Civil war historian Shelby Foote described it as a mixture of cornmeal, lard or bacon, water and egg formed around a rifle ramrod and cooked over a campfire."

Soldiers of the Union Army not so reliant on sloosh. As with the army of Grant during operations east of the Mississippi river, fed a diet in part consisting of hard bread often called hardtack!

"Hardtack History and Recipe"

 "Hardtack is the most famous American Civil War staple food.  Hard as a rock, this cracker was easily made by large contract baking companies to the bane of many a Civil War soldier . . .  it was also issued, and stored by the men for marching."

Hardtack often dipped or dunked in strong coffee before consuming. Easier to bite and chew and also a remedy for "insect infestation".

"With insect infestation common in improperly stored provisions, soldiers would break up the hardtack and drop it into their morning coffee. This would not only soften the hardtack but the insects, mostly weevil larvae, would float to the top and the soldiers could skim off the insects and resume consumption."

Americans living in those states comprising the Confederacy their bland diet mostly consisting of bacon, corn pone, corn bread, molasses. A diet deficiency called pellagra the result. Food as normally consumed by soldiers of the period not anything new.

Enjoy endlessly and without qualms!


1 comment:

  1. I suppose C.W.soldiers subsisted as "best" they could with what they had on hand.My respect for them(both sides)keeps increasing the more I read about the horrendous conditions they had to endure. David S.Edwards
