Sunday, November 8, 2015

Metrojet 9268.

This is coolbert:

From the latest edition of the DEBKAfile weekly newsletter info regarding the shoot-down [?] of the Russian Metrojet:

1. "IDF planes and drones helped locate crashed Russian airliner" IDF = Israeli Defense Forces.

 31 October.

"Israeli Air Force reconnaissance planes and drones assisted in the location of the crashed Russian airliner in central Sinai Saturday morning."

2. "ISIS claims downing Russian airliner in Sinai in reprisal for Moscow's Syria air strikes"

31 October.

"ISIS's Sinai affiliate claimed Saturday after a Russian airliner carrying 224 people from Sharm el-Sheikh to St. Petersburg crashed over Sinai:"

 "ISIS sent officers, former senior members of Saddam Hussein's army to Sinai, to set up a major campaign against the Egyptian army, along with advanced anti-air missile systems smuggled into Sinai and the Gaza Strip from Libya."


3. "Emirates, Air Arabia and FlyDubai reroute flights to avoid Sina"

1 November.

"The three Gulf airlines, Emirates, Air Arabia and FlyDubai followed Lufthansa and Air France-KLM in rerouting their flights to avoid Sinai"

4. "Western airlines warned to avoid Sharm el-Sheikh over missile threat"

2 November.

"US, British and German aviation authorities Monday issued a directive to their airlines and air crews to avoid flying over the Sinai Peninsula below 26,000 feet and avoid Sharm el-Sheikh airport due to extremist violence. The warning mentioned the use of anti-aircraft weapons with the potential for reaching high altitudes."

5. "US embassy staff in Cairo told to avoid Sinai"

3 November

"The United States Embassy in Cairo has instructed its staff not to travel anywhere in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula as a 'precautionary measure,'"

6. "We'll [ISIL] soon disclose how we downed Russian plane"

4 November.

"In an audio recording released Wednesday via social networks, ISIS repeated its claim of responsibility for the downing of a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula on Saturday, adding that it will soon reveal how it shot down the jet."

7. "UK says 'explosive device' may have caused Russian plane crash"

4 November.

"The British PM's office ordered a delay for flights due to leave Sharm el-Sheikh for Britain Wednesday night with British holiday makers aboard following intelligence that the Russian airliner was blown up Saturday by an explosive device."

8. "Anti-air missiles in ISIS hands also imperil Saudi, Jordanian and Israeli skies"

5 Nov.

"The British Cobra (emergency cabinet) decision of Wednesday, Nov. 4, not to send airliners to or from Sharm El-Sheikh, where 20,000 British tourists are stranded, further strengthens the assumption that the Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 was downed over Sinai Saturday by a terrorist missile."

Devoted readers to the blog will have to arrive at their own conclusions. Without question airliners flying in and out of Sharm el-Sheikh in grave peril. Take your own chances.


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