Sunday, September 20, 2020


This is coolbert:

Deutsch Wunderwaffen? The Siegfried Line WW2?

Courtesy National Geographic, Public Broadcast television and YouTube, thanks to all.

"In 1938, shrouded in secrecy, the German Army starts work on fortifications to secure Germany’s western border with France. Designed to protect the Fatherland, the immense, deadly concrete belt of bunkers, anti-tank traps, minefields, gun emplacements and road blocks is five times the length of Hadrian's Wall."

"The original Siegfried Line (German: Siegfriedstellung) was a World War I line of defensive forts and tank defenses built by Germany in northern France during 1916–1917 as a section of the Hindenburg Line. In English the term 'Siegfried Line' commonly refers to the 'Westwall', the German term for a similar World War II-era defensive line built further east during the 1930s opposite the French Maginot Line."

Siegfried Line as it was in 1939 NOT EVEN a serious impediment to allied [French and English] ground invasion of Germany. Construction only partially done, weaponry hardly present, troop strength mostly nil. 

Siegfrien Line however AS PERCEIVED by the allies an obstacle at least equal to the finished, well equipped and manned Maginot Line?

See previous blog entry allied invasion of German 1939 tepid and half-hearted:


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